How you can help the server run better!

Remember that almost everything described on this page is a recommendation. These aren’t rules that you must comply with unless it is specifically written in the point below. However, we would greatly appreciate you considering some of the things mentioned, which are described below, at your base.

Entities: Monsters/Animals
Crammed: When lots of entities stand packed somewhere.


1. Make sure you stick to the specific rules about how many of each entity, you are allowed to have. You must not in any way exceed what the rules specify. Currently, you are allowed 100 of each mob and max. 50 villagers. However, we do not recommend that you have more than you need.
2. Make sure your entities have plenty of space. This means that they have enough room to move around. If your entities are crammed, they will create more lag than if they have enough space.
3. We recommend that you don’t have unnecessary entities in your farms. It could, for example, be a bee farm with far too many bees. If they are flying around and doing nothing, or don't have a home, they should be removed.
4. We recommend that entities in your farms be killed as soon as possible. Meaning there preferably shouldn’t be a lot of piglins, zombies, or the like, and create unnecessary lag if they aren’t serving a purpose.
5. Villagers, Allays, and Bees have a big impact on server performance, so we recommend that you only have those you truly need.


1. If you have hoppers in your base, which are used to move items around, we recommend putting furnaces on top, to reduce lag.
2. If you have hoppers that server no current purpose, we recommend that they be removed, and then set up again when they are put into use.
3. We recommend that you always use barrels instead of hoppers. (Barrels have the same amount of storage, as a double chest)
4. We recommend you limit your use of item frames. It could be, for example, to remove item frames, that are currently not in use.
5. We recommend that you avoid building massive Redstone constructions that use many hoppers.
6. We recommend that as few minecarts are used in farms as possible. Instead of using 20 minecarts for a farm, you could make do with 1 minecart driving a long track.
7. We recommend that as few hoppers are used in farms as possible. Alternatively, you can use water streams to move items over long distances.

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